Scan Flam Card And Earn Free Paytm Cash Upto ₹15
Flam App Referral Code SVHOJ: Signup on the Flam app using the referral code, create your first flam card, scan it and earn free Paytm cashback up to ₹15.
Here you will earn free Paytm cash instantly in your Paytm wallet. You can create your own flam card using your photos, scan them and play your moments every day.
You might be wondering what is a Flam card. Well, it is just a piece of printed photo that has a video captured in it. The secret of the Flam card can be unrevealed using the Flam app.
In the scan Flam Card app, You just need to create your own flam card and on scanning, you will get a scratch card having any amount of Paytm cash you earned.
Here you can win up to Rs.15 free Paytm cash instantly using the referral code SVHOJ. Read out the entire post and get your free Paytm cash instantly in your Paytm wallet.
How To Earn Free PayTM Cash From Flam App?
1) Open the link given below in any default browser to create your Flam card.
2) Tap on the claim your free flam card button and go ahead to next step.
3) Enter your mobile/phone number and then tap on the login option.
4) After this enter the the referral code that is given below to get Paytm cash.
Flam App Referral Code: SVHOJ
5) Enter the passcode or OTP sent to your mobile number and verify it.
6) Now enter your name and email address and submit all the details.
7) Now tap on create Flam Card button and create your 3D Flam card.
8) Select make a video option and then upload 4 to 8 photos from your gallery.
9) Now choose your cover photo and then select any effect and submit it.
10) Done !! You have created your first Flam card for free.
11) Now click on Send Flam card button and send it to your other mobile.
12) After sending Falm card, tap on download Flam card app and download it. See the above image.
13) Open the app and login using your mobile number which you have used in step3.
14) Scan your Flam card from another device and watch your 3D Flam card.
15) You will get a scratch card instantly in the rewards section.
16) Tap on the scratch card you got, enter your Paytm number and submit it.
17) You will receive your free Paytm cash after some time in your Paytm wallet.
18) Once you complete your Flam card creation and scanning, you will get your own referral code.
19) Share this awesome app with your friends by sharing your refer code and earn up to ₹1000.