Binance Jasmy Quiz Answers: Learn & Earn Event
Binance Jasmy quiz answers. The Jasmy quiz can be taken on 2nd June 2022 at 07:00 am to earn assured JASMY tokens.
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New users who register after 2nd June 2022, complete KYC, may participate by reading the articles, watching videos, and completing quizzes.
Eligible users stand a chance to receive a predetermined amount of RUNE, BSW, JASMY, and other cryptos depending on the course of the quiz they complete.
Jasmy is a blockchain platform founded in Tokyo. It has several key technology features and aspects like metadata storage, Identity ID, Immersive games worlds, IoT devices, and equipment.
The Jasmy metaverse token is its native token also known as JasmyCoin. It is based on the Ethereum blockchain.
All Correct Answers
Q1) In which of the following ways will you not be able to obtain JASMY metaverse tokens in the future?
Answer: PoW (Proof of Work)
Q2) How many JASMY tokens are allocated to the Jasmy Metaverse Fund?
Answer: 1 billion
Q3) Jasmy is based in Japan. True or false?
Answer: True
Q4) Which of the following is a characteristic of the Jasmy Metaverse?
Answer: All are correct
Q5) What does the Metaverse Fund support?
Answer: All are correct
Q6) Which exchanges is Jasmy listed on?
Answer: All are correct
Q7) What is Jasmy’s goal?
Answer: To promote data democracy
Q8) Jasmy is making its foray into?
Answer: Metaverse