Real Sip And Win Honey Bunny Contest
Real Sip & Win Honey Bunny Contest: Scan real juice QR code and win honey bunny goodies like tablets, headphones, a sipper, a wall clock, a pen stand, or a tiffin box.
The Real sip and win contest is offered by Dabur company where participants need to scan the QR code to win free above-mentioned prizes or rewards.
The contest offer is valid from 5th April to 4th August 2022. Participants must be under the age below 12 years to participate and become eligible in the contest.
To participate in the real honey bunny contest grab a prom pack of Réal mixed fruit, Réal guava, Réal milkshake Belgian chocolate, Réal milkshake french vanilla.
Scan the QR code given on the Real juice promo pack, verify your details like address, and contact number, accept the terms and conditions, and answer a simple question.
Scan QR Code And Win Free Goodies
1) To participate yu need to buy a Dabour real juice available promo packs.
Available packs: Réal mixed fruit, guava, milkshake belgian chocolate, milkshake french vanilla, 180ml packs
2) Scan the unique QR code given on the juice pack and you will be redirected to the site.
3) Now enter your mobile/phone number and then verify with the OTP.
4) Enter your name, email address, city, pin code, home address, and your age.
Note: The contest participant’s age should be below 12 years (as of 5th April 2022).
5) Submit all the details and give an answer to a one simple/easy question.
Question: What is honey Bunny’s favourite beverage?
Answer: Real Beverages
6) Submit it, done. Winners will be contacted at the end of the contest period.
7) Winners will get tablet, headphone, sipper, wall clock, pen stand, or tiffin box.
8) Sip and win honey bunny contest is valid from 5th April to 4th August 2022.