Free PharmEasy Plus Membership For 3 Months Worth ₹399

Free Pharmeasy plus membership code: Get the plus membership worth ₹399 of 3 months for free. This is an exclusive offer for all Pharmeasy users.
Pharm Easy is India’s one of the top online pharmacy apps where you can purchase medicines online and get it delivered to your home within 24 to 48 hours.
You can buy healthcare products, OTC products, and medical equipment, and book diagnostic tests online, including blood tests, lab tests, full body checkups, and many more.
The benefits of Pharm easy plus are, you get 5% additional cashback on all medicines or healthcare orders, 10% cashback on diagnostic orders, and no convenience fee charged on any orders.
And from today’s offer, you can enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits using Pharmeasy plus membership, because using the code RUPAYPLUS100 you can get 3 months plus subscription for free.
Also, you can get free doctor teleconsultation and free delivery on all medicines or healthcare orders above ₹199. All details have been explained, grab it before the offer gets over.
How To Get Pharm Easy Plus For Free?
1. Click the below link and install the PharmEasy app.
2. Open the app and signup or login to your account.
3. You can also use the referral code WW5S0 during signup.
4. Now open Pharmeasy free plus offer page from the below link.
5. Scroll down and select a 3-month plan.
6. Tap on apply coupon code and use the below code.
Free PharmEasy Plus Membership Code: RUPAYPLUS100

7. Price will become ₹0 and membership will be free.
8. Done !! Your membership will get activated instantly.
9. Enjoy benefits for 3 months.